0 Export your film

Follow these instructions to export your movie in a format that works to send to Sveriges Kortfilmfestival – 2015.
For registration we do not accept files larger than 2 G, so you may need to experiment with compression to get a file that is small enough.
For the films that are selected for viewing, it is possible to later provide a larger display copy.
For any queries, please email info@sverigeskortfilmfestival.se.

  • The file should be either .MOV, or .MP4
  • The file’s codec must be h264
  • The file’s frame rate should be 25 fps(can vary) and must be Progressiv, not Interlaced (Upper/Lower field dominance)
  • The file’s aspect ratio should be square pixels (ie Square pixels, 1.0)
  • The file’s bitrate should be 12-15 mbps for HD, and 8 mbps for SD.
  • File resolution is determined by the recording format, therefore if you recorded in full HD (1080p/i) the resolution should be 1920×1080 pixels. the resolution should be 720p/i the resolution should be 1280×720. Have you recorded on the DV resolution will be 720×576.
  • If you are not sure what resolution you recorded your film atyou can check out the info for the videos in your editing software. Keep in mind that the film does not get better looking (rather the opposite) just because you export it out in a higher resolution, if you filmed at a low resolution.